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Lijiang - Wikipedia
Lijiang (Chinese: 丽江), formerly romanized as Likiang, is a prefecture-level city in the northwest of Yunnan Province, China. It has an area of 21,219 square kilometres (8,193 sq mi) and had a population of 1,253,878 at the 2020 census whom 288,787 lived in the built-up area (metro) made of Gucheng District.

Lijiang Travel Guide 2025: Itinerary, Attractions, Weather
Lijiang is a must-stop for a trip to Yunnan, offering a captivating mix of UNESCO World Heritage sites, vibrant ethnic cultures, stunning mountain landscapes, and a rich history that dates back over 1,000 years.

丽江市 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
丽江市是中华人民共和国 云南省下辖的地级市,位于云南省西北部。 市境西北接迪庆州,西连怒江州,西南界大理州,东南临楚雄州,东邻四川省 攀枝花市,东北通四川省凉山州。 地处横断山脉北段向云贵高原过渡带,有闻名的玉龙雪山,并有泸沽湖、程海等湖泊,金沙江流经市境。

Lijiang (丽江) travel guide: the top things to do - Fabio Nodari
Lijiang (丽江) is one of the most popular destinations in Yunnan. In this guide, you’ll find all the info you need to organize a trip to this ancient Chinese city and the nearby attractions. If you read my blog, it’s quite clear that Yunnan is my favorite province in China : it’s an incredibly diverse place ( here is my travel guide to ...

丽江市(Lijiang City),是中国云南省下辖地级市,东接四川凉山彝族自治州和攀枝花市,南连大理白族自治州剑川、鹤庆、宾川三县及楚雄彝族自治州大姚、永仁两县,西、北分别与怒江傈僳族自治州兰坪县及迪庆藏族自治州维西县毗邻。

Top 12 Handpicked Attractions in Lijiang with Travel Tips
Lijiang is a famous tourist destination, known for its ancient towns, spectacular natural scenery, and leisurely lifestyle. Below is our list of the top attractions in and around Lijiang. Content Preview. 1. Lijiang Old Town; 2. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain; 3. Tiger Leaping Gorge; 4. Impression Lijiang Show; 5. Lugu Lake; 6. Yuhu Village; 7 ...

How to Visit Lijiang Old Town: Your Handy Tour Guide - China Highlights
Lijiang Old Town, also known as Dayan Old Town, was a former trading town and a stop for traders carrying goods on the historic Tea Horse Road. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. The architecture of Lijiang Old Town is remarkable for its fusion of various ethnic styles, with Naxi architectural elements being the most prominent.

Lijiang Old Town Travel Guide, 丽江古城 (China)
Lijiang Old Town (丽江古城) is amongst China’s best-preserved ancient town and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Read about it in our Lijiang Old Town Travel Guide!

Lijiang travel - Lonely Planet | Yunnan, China, Asia
Lijiang’s (丽江, Lìjiāng) maze of cobbled streets, rickety (or rickety-looking, given gentrification) wooden buildings and gushing canals suck in over eight million people a year. So thick are the crowds in the narrow alleys that it can feel like they've all arrived at the same time.

丽江市 10 大景点玩乐 - Tripadvisor
Club Med Lijiang - China附近的景点 丽江复华丽朗度假村附近的景点 束河无白酒店附近的景点 康年丽水阳光酒店附近的景点 丽江古城简舍客栈附近的景点 常春藤度假酒店附近的景点 金泉大酒店附近的景点 丽江晶玺希尔顿酒店附近的景点 丽江纳曼府精品酒店附近的 ...




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